The legalities of anti-spam law fall to you if you utilise email marketing. Claiming willful ignorance is certainly a gamble and it’s just not going to pay off. So what are things you have to consider to avoid falling foul of the law?
Here in this blog, we outline to you a few of these key considerations.
Direct marketing
Firstly, you need to check if customers want to be contacted by email and allow them to decline this if they wish to. You need to be able to prove you’ve done this as well.
When you have collected your customer details, you have to then get their permission if you wish to send them any kind of offers or promotions.
You need to also ask for their permission if you want to share their information with another organisation.
Allowing customers to opt-out
People have the right to stop their information from being used for direct marketing.
You need to make it simple and clear how to opt-out – for example by sending a clicking to unsubscribe on the relevant mailing list and so on.
Email marketing
You are only permitted to send marketing emails to individual customers if they have allowed you permission to do so.
Emails have to clearly indicate:
- Who you are
- If you’re selling something
- What the promotions are, and any conditions
- Check that you are not sending emails to anyone who’s asked not to receive them, using the Email Preference Service
- If you buy or rent a mailing list, you must ask the supplier if you have the right to use it for email marketing
- Every marketing email you send needs to give the person the ability to opt-out of or ‘unsubscribe from’ any further emails
- You need to inform customers if you add them to a list of people who do not want to be emailed
Here at Mail Cleaner, we understand how important it is to ensure you are safe online.
This is why we offer a range of services which are an ideal solution for small to medium-sized businesses or private individuals who have a domain name but do not have a network infrastructure that demands a dedicated filtering server. Compared with other filtering solutions on the market today. MailCleaner offers a level service that is unbeatable in reliability, simplicity and efficiency. To find out more – please contact us today.
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