Children are growing up as part of a generation in which internet usage is commonplace. Jobs are increasingly requiring computer competency, and newer technologies are being utilised within the educational setting. Teaching your child about internet safety is extremely important, and so is helping them out with internet or email security practices. One of the most important factors to consider is the reliability of passwords. The last thing you want is someone gaining access to your child’s personal information, so ensuring your child has an idea of how to produce secure passwords is a must. MailCleaner offer a fool-proof method of guarding your mailbox, preventing the receipt of spam or harmful attachments. Offering professional protection against viruses and eliminating up to 99% of spam, we aim to please.
Continue reading to discover some top tips when teaching a child about the importance of password protection, and how additional spam tools can benefit you.
The Importance Of Secure Passwords
A secure password could be the difference between a safe browsing experience, and personal data being leaked to undesirables. Whether your address and personal details are shared with someone else, or financial information and private photographs are compromised, a well-considered password can act as an effective security measure. Teaching a child early in their internet exploration that secure passwords are important is likely to make for a memorable lesson, and one to keep in mind for their time browsing the web.
What Makes A Good Password?
When creating a strong and secure password with your child, you should likely keep in mind the length (the longer the better), include a mix of upper and lower case letters, utilise numbers within the unique word, and consider adding symbols. No ties to personal information should be included, such as a birth date or name. Vary your passwords between platforms if possible. Creating different passwords for different sites should ensure that if one password is guessed, every platform is not compromised at the same time.
Password Sharing And Staying Safe
Key to staying safe on the internet is keeping information private, and sharing passwords with others, regardless of their relationship with you and your child, is one way to compromise web and email security. Keep passwords stored within a reliable password manager or write them down and store them somewhere safe away from prying eyes. Though you won’t want to exaggerate the dangers of online security to a younger internet-user, be realistic about the serious consequences of irresponsible web usage.
Other Security Solutions
Setting your child up an email account can give them a sense of responsibility, and with many educational activities and interesting child-friendly sites requiring an email to sign up, this may become a necessity. MailCleaner is the best anti-spam mail choice for schools as well as home use, with our email filter ensuring that 99% of unwanted messages are blocked by combining artificial intelligence and frequent secure updates. Anti-virus software paired with MailCleaner will provide a solid foundation for your home-computer to stay virus-free and safe.
Although email is necessary for many corporate operations, it may also expose your company to a number of risks. Harmful programs can easily access business computers and this is where MailCleaner can help, stopping malware before it even reaches inboxes. Spam filters ensure that more than 99% of unwanted messages are blocked, analysing each message, so you only receive those that are important. If a harmful file is detected, MailCleaner will automatically send it to a quarantined zone where it cannot cause any more damage in the future. Require more information on our spam tools and email filters? Don’t hesitate to contact us today.
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